[CFP] JCN Special issue on Advances and Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Wireless Communications (Submission Due: December 20, 2019)

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    2019-08-26 16:46
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Advances and Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Wireless Communications






With recent advances, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) approaches have emerged to show great promise in the wireless communications. Although some researchers are skeptical due to issues concerning complexity and reliability, benefits include the near-optimal performance or the improvement over current state-of-the-art techniques. The big data technology delivers an excellent advantage for studying the essential characteristics of wireless networks that can be integrated with AI and ML approaches. Moreover, the recent advances in deep learning, convolutional neural networks, and reinforcement learning hold significant promise. Indeed, they offer new design approaches for solving some challenging problems that, until recently, were considered intractable.


This IEEE/KICS Journal of Communication Networks special issue aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art development in wireless communications technology that can be integrated with AI and ML approaches (e.g., supervised learning, unsupervised learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning, and learning with generative adversarial networks). Prospective authors are invited to submit original manuscripts on topics including, but not limited to:


ü  Deep learning/machine learning on information and signal processing


ü  Deep learning/machine learning approaches to wireless networks


ü  Deep learning/machine learning approaches to mobility and resource management


ü  Deep learning/machine learning approaches to wireless system applications and services.


ü  Big data and AI approaches to wireless networks


ü  Applications of AI/ML for optimizing wireless communication systems (including channel models, channel state estimation, beamforming, code book design and signal processing).


ü  Applications of AI/ML for 5G/6G wireless transmission technologies


ü  Applications of AI/ML for 5G/6G mobility/resource management


Continuing JCN’s tradition of fast turnaround together with full peer reviews, a tentative schedule is set as follows:




December 20, 2019      Paper submission deadline (Extended)


                                                              [An earlier note to editors with an intent to submit papers will be appreciated.]


March 5, 2020               Reviews returned to authors. Papers will be either accepted, rejected,


                                          or returned to the authors with requests for changes


May 5, 2020                    Final revised manuscript due


June 30, 2020                Special issue published


H. Birkan Yilmaz, Assistant Professor, Bogazici University, Turkey, birkan.yilmaz@boun.edu.tr


Chan-Byoung Chae, Underwood Distinguished Professor, Yonsei University, South Korea, cbchae@yonsei.ac.kr


Yansha Deng, Lecturer, King’s College London, UK, yansha.deng@kcl.ac.uk


Tim O'Shea, Chief Technology Officer, DeepSig Inc., USA, tim@deepsig.io


Linglong Dai, Associate Professor, Tsinghua University, China, daill@tsinghua.edu.cn


Namyoon Lee, Assistant Professor, POSTECH, South Korea, nylee@postech.ac.kr


Jakob Hoydis, Member of Technical Staff, Nokia Bell Labs, France, jakob.hoydis@gmail.com




Electronic submissions should be made through http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com:/jcommnet. Information for authors is available on the JCN web site, http:/www.jcn.or.kr. The manuscript should be formatted in LaTex file and uploaded in PDF version, and its length should be greater than 8 pages in double column. Please direct inquiries and intent to submit notifications to the Lead Guest Editor. JCN is a high-quality bimonthly archival journal, published by the Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences with the technical co-sponsorship of the IEEE Communications Society, covering the fields of Communication Theory and Systems, Wireless Communications, and Networks and Services. JCN began publication in March 1999.