[Vol.10 No.1] 2019년도 추계학술대회 우수논문 수상자 인터뷰

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    2020-03-11 15:10
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2019년도 추계학술대회 우수논문상 수상자 인터뷰


수상자 소개 

논문제목 : Wi-Fi RSSI Based Indoor localization System Using Deep learning LSTM Networks


소속명 : 경북대학교


Q1 : 논문의 제목과 간단한 내용을 소개해주세요.

   - Wi-Fi RSSI Based Indoor Localization System Using Deep learning LSTM Networks
In this paper, we presented a Wi-Fi based indoor localization system using the deep LSTM network. The proposed deep learning approach reduced the Wi-Fi based localization challenges and provides accurate user position results for indoor localization. The experiment results show that the proposed localization approach has less localization error than conventional localization approaches.


Q2 : 논문 작성자(대학원생, 학부생)를 간단히 소개해주세요.

    ALWIN POULOSE received the B.Sc. degree in computer maintenance and electronics from the Union Christian College, Aluva, India, in 2012, the M.Sc. degree in electronics from the MES College Marampally, India, in 2014, and the M.Tech. degree in communication systems from Christ University, Bengaluru, India, in 2017. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the School of Electronics Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea. His research interests include indoor localization, activity recognition, and human behavior prediction.

DONG SEOG HAN received the B.S. degree in electronic engineering from Kyungpook National University (KNU), Daegu, South Korea, in 1987, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejon, South Korea, in 1989 and 1993, respectively. From 1987 to 1996, he was with Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., where he developed the transmission systems for QAM HDTV and Grand Alliance HDTV receivers. Since 1996, he has been with the School of Electronics Engineering, KNU, as a Professor. He was a courtesy Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Florida, in 2004. He was the Director with the Center of Digital TV and Broadcasting, Institute for Information Technology Advancement, from 2006 to 2008. His main research interests include intelligent signal processing and autonomous vehicles.


Q3 : 연구 진행 중에 기억나는 에피소드를 소개해주세요.

   - As a current (3rd year) Ph.D. student at Kyungpook National University, I am happy to do my Ph.D. studies. A Ph.D. is one of the only opportunities anyone ever gets to selfishly pursue their own intellectual interests, on (mostly) their own schedule, that does not require dropping out from the traditional professional world. Reasons for my happiness as a Ph.D. student are:
1 Adequate research resources
2 Supportive and competent adviser
3 Supportive lab mates that I genuinely like and consider close friends
4 Incredible fieldwork opportunities as part of my adviser’s larger research program and external grants
5 Exciting research topic and broader research community
6 The opportunity to pursue my endless curiosity on a daily basis researching what I find interesting every day, with no direct supervision


Q4 : 대학원생 혹은 학부생 등의 후학들에게 해주고 싶은 이야기 혹은 전하고 싶은 메시지 있으면 자유롭게 기술해주세요.

   - There are enough reasons that suggest the decision of going for a Ph.D. is not entirely wrong and pays off dividends towards the end. It helps you develop your analytical skills, build personal relationships and earn recognition amongst your peers. Therefore, we might not be happy as of now but we know that life will eventually take a turn and we will be in a winning position.


Q5 : 학생들과의 사진 혹은 연구실 사진이 있으면 함께 보내주세요.


Q6 : 기타 하시고 싶은 말씀 자유롭게 기술해주시기 바랍니다.

   - All in all, I think a Ph.D. is a fantastic way to spend 4–5 years, but only if you are truly passionate and endlessly curious about your chosen field, and only if you can clearly see how a Ph.D. will lead you to a career that you love.

